Worthy Brother Knights of Columbus,
This past Saturday, January 22nd, 2022, the
Knights Color Corps made their presence during a Pro Life Mass at Saint
Gregory the Great Church in Williamsville, NY. The Celebrant was Bishop
Michael Fisher assisted by Rev Sean Paul Fleming, Pastor Rector, Saint
Joseph Cathedral, Rev. Leon Biernat, Pastor Saint Gregory the Great Church,
Parochial Vicars, Rev. Msgr. Thomas Maloney, Rev. Daniel Ulmer, Rev. Moses
Ikuelogbon, Deacons Greg Gaulin, Michael Bochiechio, and Paul Walker. A
full house turnout with many of those there being young people and the
readings done by a young man and woman of school age was testimony to the
theme of this Mass, the putting an end to Roe VS Wade.
There were 15 Knights of Columbus Color Corps
there and a listing of names according to their position in the picture is
listed below from the top row down and from left to right: Vern Anderson,
Gordon Tross, Phillip Kauppinen, Stanley Wawrzyniak, John Brach, 2nd row
from the top, Joseph Hejna, Angelo DelBalso, Gerry O'Sullivan, 3rd row from
the top, Jeffery Halstead, James Handley, Joseph Fotia, Gregory Pope, 4th
Row from the top, Robert Rob Raczka , Michael Pierce, Paul A. Sawaya.
Once again the Knights of Columbus Color
Corps by their presence represented the 2 million members of our Pro Life
Organization that stands for the Right To Life from the moment of
conception to the end of one's natural life. Remember to PRAY THE ROSARY.
May we always be the voice of those who cry out from the womb. 62 million
baby's, PERSONS, denied the Right to life and there is silence everywhere.
It gets darker everyday as long as this evil practice of abortion is
allowed to continue and as the Bible teaches us, We will reap what we sow!
VIVAT JESU... SEMPER... Paul A. Sawaya, CCRN,
District Marshal 4th District of New York, Buffalo Region, Saint Issac
Jogues Province.