Funeral Mass for
Bishop Donald Trautman

March 24, 2022

Worthy Brother Knights, 

On March 24th, 2022, this past Thursday there was a funeral Mass for Bishop Donald Trautman, Bishop of the Erie Diocese and former Auxiliary Bishop of the Buffalo Diocese and former Pastor of Saint Peter and Paul Church in Williansville, New York. It was attended by over 30 priests and Deacons. Bishop Michael Fisher Bishop of the Buffalo Diocese, was the Celebrant for the Mass and the Rector Father Sean Paul Flemming of Saint Joseph Cathedral was there to choregraph the proceedings.

Also attending was New York State Deputy Deacon Charles Esposito, who played an active part in the Funeral Mass. He was on the Altar at all times assisting and read the Gospel. There was a request that six members of the Knights of Columbus Color Corps be there. The Homily was by Father McGinnis. 

The picture above will list names from top to bottom and left to right: Rob Raczka, James Hanley, Leonard Fiegl, Michael Pierce, Bottom Row; Rivera-Reyes Presentacion, Father James O'Connor, New York State Deputy Deacon Charles Esposito, Father Matthew Nycz, Pastor of Saint Peter and Paul Church and a 4th Degree member of the Knights of Columbus, Paul A. Sawaya.

The parishioners along with the Clergy and the Color Corps were there to pay tribute to a man who was the Good Shepard to all he served. The Church was full of Angels sent by Heaven.

A special thanks to Color Corps Commander of Trinity Assembly, Dan Hartman for having three of the six Color Corps members there. Also for the picture from Brother Michael Pierce.

VIVAT  JESU......SEMPER.......

Paul A. Sawaya, CCRN, KofC District Marshal, 4th District of New York, Buffalo Region, Saint Issac Jogues Province.